The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a 3½-hour (4 hours with breaks) standardized test designed to measure an aspirants’ aptitude for business studies at graduate school. The GMAT exam has four sections– Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal which evaluate students’ basic knowledge that they have developed during their academic career. The maximum scaled score for the test is 800: verbal and quantitative sections are each worth 800 points. The final score is an average of these two scores. A score of about 700/800 is required to get into the topmost universities across the world.
Students should have a valid passport at the time of applying for the exam.
One of the most important tests in the world, TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Lanuguage) is a standardized test to evaluate the English language ability and aptitude of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities. The official test creator of TOEFL is Educational Testing Service (ETS) which designs and regulates this test. The total TOEFL test score is between 0–120 but its minimum acceptable score varies from institution to institution. Students can take the test any number of times they want; results are valid for two years after the test date.
The test is 4 hour long and the test centers are available in a lot of countries.
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